IASPEI Resolutions adopted at the IASPEI Closing Plenary in Perugia (Italy)
Resolution 1: Use of model ak135 for earthquake location
RECOGNIZING that the workshops on 'Modernizing ISC location procedures' have demonstrated that the ak135 traveltime tables provide a better fit than the Jeffreys-Bullen (JB) tables to observed seismic phases,
RECOMMENDS that the International Seismological Centre replace the JB model by ak135 for the routine location of seismic events.
Resolution 2: Consistent determination & reporting of earthquake source parameters
RECOGNIZING the long-term need for a broader set of standardized seismological phase and parameter data in seismological research and practice, especially amplitude, period, magnitude, moment and energy,
RECOMMENDS that steps be taken to develop common standards for the reporting of earthquake source parameters for use by national, regional and global data centers.
Resolution 3: Timely reporting to ISC
RECOGNIZING that the ISC provides an on-line compilation of parametric data contributed by observatories and data centres, available to all soon after they are contributed,
URGES all ISC contributors to report epicentres, magnitudes, phases and focal mechanisms to the ISC as quickly as possible.
Resolution 4: Naming the unit of Seismic Moment after Prof. Kei-iti Aki
RECOGNIZING that seismic moment is widely used as a fundamental measure of the size of an earthquake, and
RECOGNIZING that Prof. Kei-iti Aki was a pioneer in defining seismic moment and describing practical ways to measure it,
RECOMMENDS that 1 Aki (Ak) be defined as 1018 Nm, and further
RECOMMENDS that the Aki be recognized as a standard unit of earthquake size.
Resolution 5: Appreciation
RECOGNIZING the enormous effort required to organise the General Assembly,
THANKS the IUGG Local Organizing Committee and its Chair Professor Lucio UBERTINI for a memorable meeting in Perugia.